Happy 4th of July, a day late.
We recently resolved a case for a member of the armed services who was fired from his job and not allowed the accommodation of being absent and going on leave for a military obligation. Although he found a new job quickly, suffered little lost wages, and was no longer in the reserves, we achieved a $156,000 settlement early in the litigation. Active members of the California and national armed services can sue if they are fired and/or not reinstated to their positions if they have to leave due to a military obligation. Job terminations based upon military leaves are illegal. Please contact our experienced employment lawyers if you need to file a case due to not being reinstated after a protected military leave.
Our Experienced Employee Lawyers have handled USURA Leave of Absense cases and Military Leave Law cases under California Law.
CALL 951-367-1000 for Labor Attorneys with proven USURA Rights Track Results.